Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Rainy day handyman

Well it has only taken more than a year to put up the new shelves in the pantry but it was worth the wait. Now maybe I can find the floor again. Next is the laundry room so the top of the dryer will not be such a catch-all. Yeah, right! One can dream though...

Home projects seem to take forever most of the time. My rock walls are nearly completed but too many other things have had priority, such as playing games on the computer. Oh come on, you know what I mean. How many hours have you spent in front of the computer or TV?

Once in a while those projects we all put off become urgent, as in you are tired of looking at the materials to get-r-done and you get annoyed with yourself for being so **** lazy. Last night my shop was a beehive of activity as I prepared the shelving material and hardware. When I woke up to rain, the tools came out and at least one job is done.

The kitchen looks like a mess afterwards but now my wife can put things in the pantry in a more orderly fashion. As for me, I have to go to the store. If I kill enough time doing so she might have the kitchen back together before I return. No I aint bein' onry, just gettin' that lazy woman off her duff!

Its a good thing my wife loves me as much as she does. Of course I have a brand new shop with a wood stove to retreat to if she has had enough of me. The rainy day handyman rides again.

Rescue Dog

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